Why Stay?

What will the Stay Movement do?

  • The Stay Movement will rally 5,000+ people to endorse a pledge in support of workforce housing.

  • The Stay Movement will highlight the workforce housing issue and its effects on the next generation.

  • The Stay Movement will serve as a platform for future civic engagement.

Why a pledge?

  • Signing a pledge is a small ask for the next generation who may not have bandwidth for more involved action.

  • A widely endorsed pledge sends a clear message to decision makers that an issue is worthy of attention and resources.

  • Pledge signers can mobilize for direct action.

Why the Stay Movement?

  • Advocacy for workforce housing tends to draw on a narrow base of support. This advocacy is dominated by trade/industry groups which profit from development.

  • Few groups advocate for the economic interests of the next generation. None besides Housing Hawai‘i’s Future has a single-issue focus on housing.

  • There are no other efforts to mobilize a mass movement in favor of workforce housing.